
Invest In Your Child’s Eyes To Help Them Realize Their Full Potential

Ortho-K is widely used in controlling or slowing myopic progression in children. As vision continues to change throughout childhood into adulthood, correction surgeries such as Lasik are not recommended until one’s vision is stable. Hence, Ortho-K is a surgery-free alternative to achieving good vision.

Those with an active lifestyle may find it a hassle to wear glasses or uncomfortable to wear soft lenses throughout the day. Ortho-K eliminates the need for glasses or lenses in the day, enabling optical freedom for any activity.

What Is Orthokeratology?

Known as Ortho-K, OK lens in short or Cornea Reshaping Therapy (CRT)

  • Corneal reshaping therapy using extended wear of custom designed rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses
  • Worn to sleep, then removed upon awakening to achieve clear vision for the day
  • Safe and Reversible process
  • Provides Myopia Control


Pre-assessment will be performed by our optometrists to determine whether you are suitable or not. Treatment of any pre-existing eye conditions will have to be done prior to start of orthokeratology.

Myopia control for children. If you are experiencing discomfort or dryness etc with disposable lenses during the day; and not able to wear glasses/contact lenses during your activities/work.
Active lifestyle without the hassle of glasses/contact lenses (especially children) Fully reversible process by simply stop wearing your orthok lenses.

Yes, Ortho-K retards myopia progression. There is sufficient evidence and studies worldwide that concludes Orthokeratology to be able to retard myopia progression significantly and more importantly, better than other treatment methods available.

You must be prepared for multiple visits over a 3-6 month period to ensure proper follow-up for best results possible. Chances of successful fits resulting in 6/6 or 20/20 visual acuity is high but not guaranteed. Mild haloes & glare may be experienced by certain individuals.

The lens floats on a thin layer of tears. As such, it does not touch the cornea. Rather, gentle tear forces help in reshaping of the cornea.

Beyond the cost of the lens, eye examination and professional fees also go into the cost of an Orthok package. Orthok also requires the use of sophisticated equipment, which are used to monitor the success of Orthok treatment.
The benefits of orthok include glasses-free vision in the daytime and slowing down of myopia progression of about 50%. This could mean the difference between mild-moderate and high myopia 10 years into the future. For example, the risk of retinal detachment for high myopia above -6.00D is at 22x. This is a emergency condition in which the only possible treatment is expensive retinal surgery.



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